Monday, December 21, 2009

How to fill in a series of numbers (1,2,3,etc.) down a Microsoft Excel column?

Is there a short cut I can use to avoid having to enter all the numbers manually?How to fill in a series of numbers (1,2,3,etc.) down a Microsoft Excel column?
You can either:

* Type the number, drag down from the bottom right corner of the cell while holding down CTRL.


* Enter the number, then go to Edit %26gt; Fill %26gt; Series... then choose ';Columns'; from ';Series in'; and put the number you want to stop at in the Stop Value box.How to fill in a series of numbers (1,2,3,etc.) down a Microsoft Excel column?
Cell A1, put in 1

Cell A2, put in 2

Select Both Cell

Drag the ';+'; sign in the lower right corner across the cells you want to fill, and then release the mouse button.
just enter the first row 1st column with 1

second row 1st column with 2

now select both the columns and drag them down

i think it should work

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