Monday, December 21, 2009

Why do I get nervous around large numbers of white folks at republican events?

I dont know why this happens but I can tell you, I am not a racist. What can I do to calm my nerves when I visit a republican event thats filled with nothing but whitesWhy do I get nervous around large numbers of white folks at republican events?
If you want to calm your nerves, don't go. ***Why do I get nervous around large numbers of white folks at republican events?
I agree with southern lady, You are a racist and are trying to stir things up, because you don;t have anything intelligent to say.

If you weren't racist, you wouldn't separate black and white in your question.

But if you get 'nervous as you claim, what are you hiding.
Sorry but maybe you feel that you aren't really welcome there. I don't know if I ever heard of a republican event that wasn't 95 percent white. Be carefull some of them belong to the KKK and the Skin heads. If someone ask you to help them move a cross, don't, you likely to end up on it.
I think you are full of $hit!

There are not just white people at Republician events. Why are you trying to start another race arguement?

Vote Smart!

Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!
Stay home and watch on tv. I also get nervous in big crowds where passion runs high, such as that which politics brings. It just you and the machine in the voting booth anyway.
Funny, you describe racist characteristics, then quickly state you are not a the ';guilt'; sets in. The shoe fits pal, be man enough to wear it.
Well, I'm white and I get nervous around large numbers of white folks at republican events? I think that's called human nature. You get that fight or flight feeling.
Look around for Thomas Sowell , Walter E Williams, Condi Rice, Alan Keyes, and other great Americans
because your not white? Try going to GA most all in government are black and it is horrible there! A very racist state.
that only happens to those who have little capacity for intellect......
Because your conscience is not lily white.
Depends if you are '; a typical white woman'; or not.
I'm sure I don't know since they are 74% less likely to murder you than your own kind.
What are you guilty of
I'm white and I get nervous around white folks at republican events. I think it is because they are so close-minded. That's why I don't go to republican events. Boring and lame. What you need to do to calm your nerves is leave that godforsaken place at once.

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