in your opinion,is it for the better hybrid cars are produced in massive numbers?what will the future scene of the world be?In your opinion,is it for the better hybrid cars are produced in massive numbers?
If hybrids are produced in massive numbers, that means that people are buying them in massive numbers. I suppose that is good, I'm not really sure to be honest.
Hybrids are just a temporary fix. I would like to see some other form of engine used or some other form of fuel.
I understand that some people have had success with an engine that runs off of water. I think they are called Joe cells.
Our country needs to do something about the foreign energy scources.
Hydrogen may be another source of future energy that our country will use. It's hard to say what direction the consumer will take and what will be produced for our transportation needs.In your opinion,is it for the better hybrid cars are produced in massive numbers?
check this out.. they say its good for the world and good in gas...and so on...for their own business... they dont give a fudge about the world..just their they dont care..
It would be better if they were produced in no numbers.Who cares what the future holds,you have no control over it.
it would be better if the demand for hybrids was higher, but no one wants to fork out an extra few thousand dollars for something that they can get for cheaper. once the demand gets higher, then we can lok into supplying the demand, but it needs to compete with the cheaper cars before we can supply
First they are going to have to give people incentive to want a hybrid vehicle. As for mass producing?..Companies will have to assure and prove to the public that these cars aren't going to be super expensive to work on, not to mention...the fact that you go from batteries, to fuel...the average person cannot just go out and buy a the more wealthy or well to do person can..It's my opinion that it's going to be up to the companies to make them affordable for the public as a whole..
While it's good that we are doing this for the environment, we have to think..when they are wrecked or what have you..what are you going to have in the wrecking yards?..More pollution than we already have?...such as the batteries, are they lithium?..hazardous if they are..personally, I think when it comes down to it...we have to wonder how safe they truly are for the environment as a whole.... when these issues as well as the issues for affordable hybrids are addressed...then, I would think mass production could begin...if this is what the country is going to.....
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